
Zahana EPC contract with clinker production 4500T/D awarded to CBMI by Algeria GICA Group

Release time:2016-05-25 17:18:14


Contract signature


Souvenir to the Owner

On 19 May, 2016, Zahana EPC contract with clinker production 4500T/D awarded to CBMI by Algeria GICA Group. Mr. Sekouane Boulenouar, Zahana General Manger, and Mr. Ma Aiguo, CBMI Marketing Department Manager, on behalf of respective company signed the contract. Mr. ABED Abdelkader, Zahana CFO, Mr. Bachir B. Hacène, Secretary of the Board, Mr. Blidi Ahmed, Investment Development Director, Mr. Maameri Hanafi, Project Manger, Mr. Yangzhi, CBMI Marketing Department Vice Manger, Mr. Gu Jinjun, CBMI Algeria Branch Office Manager etc, all of them attended the contract signature ceremony.


Zahana project is invested by Algeria state-owned GICA Cement Group. This project is located in the west of Mascaras province of Algeria. The scope of work is from limestone crushing to cement package and shipment, which include engineering, supply, civil work, erection, training and commissioning. This contract adopted EPC model, with work period 27 month for the first batch of clinker since the commencement date, and 31 months for temporary taking- over.

Contract signature for this project plays significant role for CBMI marketing development in Algeria area, which is the further cooperation with GICA since the past CBMI ZAHANA raw mill upgrading project. And it’s a complete cement production line between CBMI and GICA, which shows positive attitude from GICA on CBMI. This project is also the first EPC contract by CBMI with Algeria state-owned company, and the third project since the past cooperation with CILAS Lafarge and BC Biskria in Algeria area, which witness the approval on CBMI by transnational cement group, local private-owned company and Algeria state-owned cement group. The contract signature will further promote the CBMI’s impact in Algeria marketing, solidify foundation of CBMI’s strategy on deepening local market, consolidating company regionalization as well as project regionalization.

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